Lumberjack is a powerful MVC framework for the modern WordPress developer. Write better, more expressive and easier to maintain code.
Get startedComing from another PHP framework such as Laravel, have experience using Timber with WordPress but want more, or are just getting started with modern WordPress? Then Lumberjack is for you.
Use as little or as much as you need, it's beginner friendly!
Object orientated and MVC patterns help keep your code structured and DRY.
class IndexController
public function handle()
$context = Timber::get_context();
$context['posts'] = Post::whereStatus('publish')
return new TimberResponse('index.twig', $context);
{% if posts is not empty %}
<h4>Recent Articles</h4>
{% for post in posts %}
<li class="article">
<h3>{{ $post->title }}</h3>
{{ $post->preview }}
<a href="{{ $post->link }}">Read the full story</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Use OO Class based controllers for all your WordPress posts and pages.
Easily add custom endpoints with support for standards based responses & middleware.
Simple, declarative and team friendly configuration.
Store session data between requests.
Separate your business logic and database queries from your views.
Encapsulate behaviour into methods and leverage a fluent query builder.
Built on a DI Container, enabling auto injection into Controllers and the use of Facades.
Handle errors in a single place and show a better stack trace when in development.
Based on the popular Monolog, easily monitor what's going on with your site.
Use the Hatchet CLI (separate install) to automate a number of common development activities.
People all around the world are using Lumberjack to help build their sites, see what they've made.
We're a Digital Product Studio based in Southampton (UK) with many years experience working on modern WordPress websites. We design and build digital products for a range of clients, take a look at what else we can do.
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